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Making a Wildlife Flower Meadow.

If possible, select a weed free site of low fertility. Control weeds before sowing. Annual weeds can be hoed or killed with a contact herbicide. Perennial weeds such as couch grass, docks, thistles and nettles may be eradicated by covering the area with black polythene for at least two seasons prior to sowing. Alternatively use Tumbleweed or Roundup weedkiller.

Sow mixtures from early March to early May (or early August to mid September for autumn establishment of most species). If they contain cowslip, oxlip, primrose, bluebell or violets, these will not be expected to germinate until after the winter.

Cultivate the ground to produce a fine seed bed. Firm if necessary.

Sow evenly at the recommended rate. Mix one part seed with four parts dry sand for easy distribution.

Rake the seed lightly and firm the soil. Water with a fine spray.

Keep the area well watered and weed free.

During the first after sowing, the sward should be cut every 1½  to 2 months ( or as necessary) to prevent the grass from overgrowing the slower growing wild flowers. It is essential that the cuttings are removed.

In following years, cut in early spring (before growth starts) and in October, after all wild flower seeds have been shed. Remove the cuttings.


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